Introduction: This paper presents a view of accountability based on the relationship between types of organizations. This does not replace, but rather complements and contains, the traditional view based on political and organizational hierarchy. The type-of-organization structure allows us to see clearly the corresponding structure of quality of life indicators and different levels of performance measures. Placing these relationships in a physical space takes advantage of the “loci” pneumonic method first developed by the ancient Greeks. The paper will be most useful to funders and other complex organizations where these types of measures are present in multiple forms and easily confused. The paper makes use of the definitions found in the Results-Based Accountability (RBA) framework and includes references to additional detail in the book Trying Hard Is Not Good Enough.
At the highest level, the Architecture of Accountability is bicameral. It is a structure with two large wings or halls and connecting hallways.
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Two versions of this paper will be available, the British Manion edition and the Schematic Mansion Edition. The two editions are identical with only different base graphics.