Results Accountability 101 Workshop Handouts (for participants):
RBA101 Handout 4.0 (45 pages) This also serves as the workbook for the day so each participant will need one.
RBA Flyer (2 pages) All the basic ideas on two just pages. This may be printed in black and white or color
- Click here for selected handout material in French and German
- Click here for selected RBA handout material in Dutch
PowerPoint Slides
- RBA 101 Powerpoint
- This is the powerpoint the presenter will use during the RBA 101 workshop using a projector.
- NOTE: This is the actual Powerpoint slide show, NOT the file from which to print handout materials. See Section A on this page for handout materials.
- Results Accountability 101 (20-minute version)
- for use when presentation time is severely limited.
(Please do not use the below documents for workshops without prior discussion.)
(Please do not use for FPSI workshops without prior discussion.)
- Alternative Workshop Workbook for Education version 1.9
- (52 pages) This is an optional subset of the 101 Workbook pages for use with training for educators. Last revision February 10, 2010.
- 101 Workshop: A Few Selected Pages version 1.9
- (29 pages) A minimal subset of the 101 Workbook pages, when printing the whole thing is just too much. Last revision January 2, 2009.
- 101 Workshop: Key Pages
- (10 pages) The bare minimum subset of the 101 Workbook. Last revision January 2, 2009.
- Decisiones y Presupuestos Basados en Resultados y Rendimientos
- Materiales de Trabajo Si Ud. tiene algún comentario, por favor envielo a Estamos trabajando para encontrar un vocabulario que sea “entendible” a todos los hispano-parlantes. Material de “Responsabilidad con los Resultados,” Libro de trabajo 101. Traducido por Patricia Zuluagar. Gracia Patricia! Revised and updated April 24, 2003
- Additional Overheads
(Please do not use for FPSI workshops without prior discussion.)
- San Mateo County Budget 2002 2003 Selected pages
- (25 pages) This is an excellent example of performance budgeting. COPY this for workshops when possible.
- Hennepin County Budget 2002
- (15 pages) This is an excellent example of results budgeting at the population and cross system level. COPY this for workshops when possible.
- Getting to Results, Building a Prototype for Results-Based Accountability™ in Maryland
- Excerpt from Maryland 2001 Kids Count Factbook, by Phil Lee, University of Maryland School of Public Affairs – An excellent example of Legislative and Executive Branch leadership in developing a results accountability system, including the first legislative results budget hearing. Thanks to Advocates for Children and Youth and the Annie E. Casey Foundation.