As market concepts gain currency i.o government circles, roue officials are thinking about ways to harness the profit motive to energize government operations and make them more efficient . Some of these ideas are bearing fruit , as government agencies begin or think of themselves as customer service organizations with real customers, whose needs count. Other uses of market concepts have produced mixed results, such as the move toward privatizing government services.
One of the ideas which has generated increasing interest is the use of contingency fees for private providers of service or government. One of the subcategories of contingency fee contracting is the use of such contracts for state revenue maximization efforts. Revenue maximization efforts are generally designed to reduce general fund expenditures by increasing federal fund claims. or increasing collections of debts owed by third parties . There are some firms in the country which specialize in advising states on such manners and helping states implement revenue maximization programs notably in the areas where federal funding is still open-ended, such as Child Welfare, Title IV-E and Medicaid , Title XIX.