How to write an RBA Success Story

Mark Friedman RBA Ideas, RBA Resources Leave a Comment

If you have an RBA/OBA “turn the curve” story to tell, or any other success story about how RBA/OBA has helped, here is a format that you can use to share it with others. It should be one page if possible. It has the classic beginning, middle and end structure of all good stories. The story may be about Population Accountability or Performance Accountability or both.

  • Section I. In the Beginning: What was the situation at the beginning of your work, including a brief description of your community or your organization? What did the data show?
    • Population data example: “In 2000 the state released a report showing that we were 2nd worst on the teen pregnancy rate etc.” or
    • Performance data example: “In 2002 our program’s recidivism rate had increased steadily for 2 years in a row and we decided we needed to do something about it etc.”
  • Section II. What happened? Describe what you and your partners did, including how you used RBA.
  • Section III. In the end: What happened? How did things get better, including, if at all possible, a graph with a turned curve.

Please send your stories to as a Word attachment, using a subject heading like RBA Success Story. Please include the name, address, email address and phone number of a contact person. And be sure to include credits to the partners who made contributions.

Mark FriedmanHow to write an RBA Success Story

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